mercredi 29 juin 2011

Urgente bibliographie de Los Alamos sur le taux de contamination des plantes en feu de Los Alamos.

Annotated Bibliography of Selected Cerro Grande Fire Publications

Impacts of the cerro grande fire on homestead era and manhattan project properties at Los Alamos national laboratory

Radionuclide activity concentrations in conifer trees at the Los Alamos national laboratory G. J. Gonzales, c. M. Bare, p. J. Valerio, and s. F. Mee

Contaminant concentrations in conifer tree bark and wood following the cerro grande fire

The ecological footprint: los alamos national laboratory

Marla k. Maltin, thomas p. Starke

Soil cleanup at Los Alamos national laboratory: sediment contamination in the south fork of acid canyon

Migration of plutonium in ground water at the nevada test site
A. B. Kersting, d. W. Efurd, d. L. Finnegan, d. J. Rokop, d. K. Smith & j. L. Thompson

Mechanism of plutonium transport in a shallow aquifer in mortandad canyon, Los Alamos national laboratory, new mexico
Richard c. Marty, Deborah Bennett, and Philip Thullen
Environ. Sci. Technol., 1997, 31 (7), pp 2020–2027

Mobility of plutonium and americium through a shallow aquifer in a semiarid region

William r. Penrose, wilfred l. Polzer, edward h. Essington, donald m. Nelson, kent a. Orlandini
Environ. Sci. Technol., 1990, 24 (2), pp 228–234

Transport and deposition of plutonium-contaminated sediments by fluvial processes, los alamos canyon, New Mexico William l. Graf

The uptake of radionuclides by beans, squash, and corn growing in contaminated alluvial soils at los alamos national laboratory P.R. FresquezD.R. ArmstrongM.A. Mullen ,  l. Naranjo jr.

Comparative distribution of plutonium in contaminated ecosystems at oak ridge, tennessee and los alamos, new mexico

Radionuclides in fish downstream of los alamos national laboratory after the ....contaminant concentrations in conifer tree bark and wood following the ... › environment  biological resources 
Pr fresquez - 2000

Article du 9 Juillet 2011 

Los Alamos lab trying to prevent ‘Cold War-era contamination’ from coming closer as 2 major canyons above lab suffered fire damage

Analyses de la seconde semaine de juillet  du Radiation Control Bureau confirment la présence de plutonium et d'américiun dans l'air suite aux incendies.

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